Due to the nature of my work, I have signed confidentiality clauses with many of my clients and am therefore not at liberty to divulge details about 70% of my work, particularly for government clients and major multinationals. You may rest assured that your texts would be equally safe in my hands.
Translation and editing projects in the past 25 years have included:
- Government texts (municipal, regional, national and EU), including speeches, policy and reports on IT, environment & energy, public health, transport, technology & innovation, public safety & security; approved by the European Commission to deliver translations (five tender rounds to date)
- Brochures on public procurement practices and recycling policies
- Tender applications related to renewable energy projects
- Promotional materials for university initiatives to support secondary education in STEM subjects
- Advisory reports and annual reports on CSR, sustainable development and accountability
- E-learning modules on HIV, TB and drug-drug interactions, revised for the purpose of providing refresher training to doctors and nurses working in remote locations
- Visa applications with extensive supporting documentation: as a sworn translator, I have assisted prominent international researchers seeking a legal translator who was also competent to translate abstracts of their high-end academic research
Examples of translation, copyediting and copywriting projects not covered by NDA:
- Translating articles and books on architecture, design and philosophy, including Polo Architects and In Via Veritas
- Translating an academic book on economic trends in medieval Flanders, focusing on the textile guilds, the nobility and the role of women in the merchant class: Golden Times: Wealth and Status in the Middle Ages
- Editing a book on social design and healthy ageing by a collective of authors from several different countries, in which I was the coordinating copyeditor and went on to work closely with a team on the final proofs: Connect: Design for an Empathic Society
- Translating a fantasy novel, The Failing God by Mike Jansen, published in February 2014 and available through Amazon.com and Smashwords
- Revising and proofreading various academic publications and books, including: Mobile Screens: The Visual Regime of Navigation
- Translating a book, website, museum exhibition, various press releases and news updates on climate change for a documentary film about Alaska: The Last Days of Shishmaref
- Revising and proofreading several books on typography and logos, including Big Black Beautiful: Cooper Black Typography and Logo Life
- Editing a book on open design, Creative Commons licensing and the future of digital fabrication: Open Design Now
- Translating a book on conflict resolution and DR Congo, working closely with the author, and then editing a shorter version for online publication: Democracy and political party assistance in post-conflict societies